Saturday, April 29, 2006

That's All Folks

It's been fun folks, but it's my sad duty to report to you that my days of posting on this website are now over. I'll leave it up and running, and I may try to get all of my old content posted before I stop completely, but I won't be putting anything new on the site moving forward.

The reason is simple - no one is reading it. I get the grand total of two hits per day on this site, particularly since I moved to the new format. Prior to that, I'd get a few random daily hits on individual pages, if they happened to align with someone's Google search, but even then it was a rare day when as many as fifteen people stopped by to see the site. Sorry, but that's just not enough to justify the effort required to write new content and post it. My life is just as busy as yours, maybe more so in many cases, whether I write that day or not. On days I write, the time I can spend on my family suffers too much, particularly if no one is bothering to read it.

I've never made one penny off this website, and never intended to. It was always a labor of love. Well, I love my family and the rest of my life more.

When the writing itch hits me in the future, as I'm certain it will, I'll still try to find some outlets to get the work published. Sadly there seem to be fewer and fewer sites on the Internet that accept free content, so I'm afraid I can't make any promises, other than to say that I'll do my best.

Thank you to the few of you who visited regularly (especially since you're probably related to me), and thanks to all who stopped by to take a look or drop a note. It has always been greatly appreciated.

Go Sox!
Go Royals!

Take Care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I found your site after you decided to quit posting.

I just read your piece on about Dave Parker's HOF worthiness (very interesting!) and wanted to read some more.

Best of luck...